A Time to Live A time to Speak

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Music Inspires Life

“Some one told me there is a girl out there,
With love in her eyes and flower in her hair;
With great smile and a beautiful soul,
Along the path of life taking a stroll;
Wondering which way she needs to go,
Thinking which wind to catch and row;
Amazed by her own strength and truth,
Ready to take on the world and prove;
Her destiny in her own hands she finds,
Ready to take wings and free her mind;
Surely no chain can pull her to the ground,
From her flight of fantasy she will look down;
Amazing greatness she can promise herself,
And take no tear from anyone else;
Conquer your fear conquer death,
You go girl, you’re all set.”

………………………….. Maverick.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


There I stood. Still in my white surgery dress, watching the young baby being put on ventilator. For three hours that never passed, we tried our best to save him. Now, we hoped, we had done enough. For me to save him was very important. He was not just another patient; he was my best friend’s son. And I would not let her down.

Angela, my friend and confidant since school days, had very few reasons to live. She had always felt that God was playing a dirty game with her. But that was till little James’ birth. From that day on, she had a reason to live, to see a new day, to actually feel the pleasure of getting up in the morning to look some one in the eye. For she never felt like she had a family. For her family were just the 4 friends she had, Andrew, Natasha, Victor and me.

The five of us were inseparable in school and we still were. Today also, here in the middle of the night, in this hospital the five of us just stood holding each other. Hoping that things would turn. Turn for good.

In my heart I knew, if anything happened to James, Angela would be devastated. She always was very fragile. In school I remembered the day Angela’s cat died. She was a wreck. Like a glass shattered on white marble. Couldn’t be seen but hurting if one walked on it. I gave her a kitty stuff toy, “Here, just to make you smile,” I said. She looked at it with an unending gaze and then replied, “Matt, if only we could replace one life with another with that ease.”

Angela’s sadness arose from the fact that her childhood had the traumas of her parents hatred toward each other stamped all over. Even when she grew up and fell in love, her parents didn’t support her. She wanted and loved Noel from all her heart for he was everything that her parents were not. She wanted to marry her, but her parents, ironically enough agreed to disagree with him. But she went ahead with her decision and married Noel. “My family was never there for me, nor is it now,” she spoke to us, “today; all I ask from you is to be my family, all of you, Natasha, Andrew, Victor and Matt. Will you be my family and stand by me when I marry Noel?”
“Of course Angela,” Andrew said. “You don’t have to ask us that, in fact if you didn’t ask us that, then you would have been in trouble.”
What a lovely wedding it was. Beautiful. White and blue, harmony and peace, finally, Angela seemed destined for happiness. But alas, it was not to be.
Hardly a month after their wedding, Noel died in a car crash. That day is edged in minds of all of us.
It was early morning, when my phone rang. “Matt you have to rush here,” Natasha shouted, “And get Andrew and Victor too.”
“What is wrong, Natasha?” I asked. But she had hung up already. I called up Andrew to ask him to come over. “I don’t know but Natasha sounded terribly panicked,” I told him, “just be there mate, and pick Victor up on your way.”

I stood in the lobby looking over the table with photos from Angela’s wedding. Across the room Natasha tried hard to control her. But in vain. Angela would not live. Angela without Noel was not possible.
“You can’t do this to yourself,” Victor reasoned, “You have to hold yourself baby.”
“My life is a joke. God knows when to do what to hurt me the most. He is just playing tricks with me,” Angela said.
“You have to keep the faith Angela,” Andrew consoled, “He tries those who are capable of his test.”
“And you know what Angela,” Natasha said, “you are the strongest to have faced all this and yet be so successful.”
Angela, in her wild commotion, looked up. And looked straight into my eyes with a million questions. And I tried to shrug. I wanted to hide from those questions. What to say, what to tell a girl who lost everything she had.
I tried putting myself in her place and find solution. What would have I done if I were faced with losing my most precious person.
And then it stuck me. I had already lost the most precious person in my life. I had lost Angela. The girl I loved like crazy. I still remembered the day she called us and told us about Noel. “He is perfect for me,” she gleamed, “no one could have made m so happy.”

Those words pierced me like rapiers. “God bless you Angela,” I said. “I am so happy, I can’t stop crying.” I gave her a huge tight hug and left. That night I had the worst of time I had ever faced. No one knew why. Andrew just told me, “Believe in him Matt. If you lost something you treasured, you will find it back one day.”

After Noel’s death, as a doctor, I tried hard to keep her occupied. Always tried spending time with her. It was in the next spring that we finally decided to marry each other. How we fell in love, all over again was a question both could not answer. But we were happy.
Till this night. James was dying. My son was dying. And I couldn’t do anything as he left us, quietly.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Expression of Emotions

Always wondered why it’s said that humans are greater than other animals because we have emotion. We can express our feelings makes u higher beings. I wonder if these are actually true explanation of why god made us as we are? I wonder…

Every relation, every role that humans play has a different angle to be viewed from. And I am sure not all angles can be justified. There will be someone out there for whom some angel of the relation will be wrong, Or unacceptable at least. Animals have just one angle… universally accepted. Here’s a though- humans are the only species which kills each other!

In our day-to-day life, we come across so many situations that make us wonder, what if things were different? What if others cannot be so bothered about our life? But then, those people are related to us. We cannot overlook their feelings. We are humans. We need to live within the boundaries of human emotions. You can’t hurt them. They are after all your parents, your loved ones, your wife or husband, your girlfriend or boyfriend, your children, or maybe just someone very close to you.

Someone once asked me why couldn’t all of us hug each other all the time? Why can’t we just be more expressive about our feelings without hurting someone else? I wondered why? Sure enough the world would be a better place if we could do that? Why do all feelings and emotions need to be tied down to some relation: emotional, physical or sexual? Isn’t that what animal do? So why are we humans? Or just the fact that humans are after all animals answer that question? Then where does that leave me with my original question: why are humans considered greater than other animals.

Every relation that a person enters needs approval, or so it seems. If we analyze any relation, we will find that at the end of the day, its just a compromise that we are living. And that steams from the fact that we are not that good in expressing our emotions. Or we loose touch with our emotions.

Ask a newly wed about the anguish they went through to get married, yet in few years, those moments will turn sour. They will end up hurting each other. Blame it on circumstances. I think its just simple lack of emotions finding proper route. Why do either of them need to give space or understand the other one a hundred percent without being expected to be understood in return. Why do dreams they shared start looking like dreams.

Ask a child, what he wants the most? I am quite certain, he will answer that he wants his parents to love him. Some one said, “The best love a father can give his children, is to love their mother.” Someone also said, “The best love a mother can give her children, is to show respect to their father.” Yet, how many homes have we seen where this is not applicable? How many broken homes have we seen, where the child suffers the most because of parents bickering? And all this because the child has no proper tool to express his or her emotion?

Ask a lover, what he or she loves the most about his or her partner? I am quite sure; they will say its there love and caring attitude. Yet why do the relations turn sour just because that same loving and caring attitude is directed towards other? Why do they expect that the emotion of a person should be expressed only partially? Just because that expression of emotion makes them feel to left out and not able to handle the others expression of emotion?

Ask a friend what they love about his or her pal? I am quite confident; they will say it’s there ability to give joy and happiness to others and to them in particular. Yet, why does it so happen that the same friends start expecting all the happiness be directed towards them? Why does the happiness of the one who gives them all the love and happiness doesn’t make that much of an importance for them? Just that these expressions of emotion become part of their life and they want it all?

Ask a person, who loves to love others, what he loves the most about others? I am determined they will say it’s the happiness that others express when the get love. Yet, why does it so happen that if others start giving same happiness to them, they start feeling left out or can’t handle the love the others get? Why does the happiness of others that they were dying to give become the cause of their pain? Just that these expressions of emotions make them feel that their expression of emotion is not worth enough?

I wonder how much better we would have been if we were just animals? Just touch, see, lick and brush each other. That’s all. No words, no tears, no emotions… yet more beautiful.