A Time to Live A time to Speak

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Music Inspires Life

“Some one told me there is a girl out there,
With love in her eyes and flower in her hair;
With great smile and a beautiful soul,
Along the path of life taking a stroll;
Wondering which way she needs to go,
Thinking which wind to catch and row;
Amazed by her own strength and truth,
Ready to take on the world and prove;
Her destiny in her own hands she finds,
Ready to take wings and free her mind;
Surely no chain can pull her to the ground,
From her flight of fantasy she will look down;
Amazing greatness she can promise herself,
And take no tear from anyone else;
Conquer your fear conquer death,
You go girl, you’re all set.”

………………………….. Maverick.


Unknown said...

nice.. but why PINK??????????

Unknown said...

good flow, touches the soul.


Anonymous said...

but why pink....why conquer ur fears...why go girl...whom is it written for

Anonymous said...

the girl stil cant fly :( :(